How to Hack - Experience Level by Anthony Caudill (tcaudilllg) +------------------------- Experience level is one way to control the flow of a game. Older games have high differences between levels, to accomodate for the brevity of the exploration phases of these games. Dragon Quest and Hydlide are notable examples. As memory became cheaper and games became larger, distances between levels fell so that players could spend more of the intended length of the game on exploration. However, even some later games had onerous grinding requirements. If you want to hack a game so you can finish it quickly without giving yourself bonuses which cheapen the experience of the game, changing the level table is probably a good option. It's also easy to do, requiring just a little dilligence and a hex editor. Getting Started +------------------------- First you need a hex editor. Some emulators (such as FCEUX) offer them built-in. Lacking this option, there are plenty of free hex editors available. Google "hex editor" and try to download one that is small and incomplicated. For this tutorial, I'll be using FCEUX to hack Dragon Warrior's level table. Once you have your hex editor, open your ROM file in it. You'll see the ROM file expressed as hexidecimal, a sequence of numbers seperated by spaces. Each number is a distinct byte. At the far left you'll see the locations of the bytes in the ROM, also expressed as hexidemical. -------------------------- Locating the Level Table +------------------------- Typically, the experience leveling thresholds are arranged in sequential order in their own distinct segment in the ROM, called the level table. The size in bytes of each threshold depends on the maximum possible experience permitted by the game: the higher the maximum, the more bytes are required. An experience ceiling of 65,535 means that each experience threshold is specified using two bytes. A 9,999,999 ceiling (as in Final Fantasy) requires three bytes per threshold. In Dragon Warrior, the experience ceiling is 65,535, the highest number that can be specified with two bytes. Now that we know what the table looks like in ROM, we can search for it. Each byte can only specify numbers in the range of 0-255. To get the threshold for your current experience level, Dragon Warrior reads two bytes and combines their values into one number. One byte is used to figure the part of the number above 255, the other the part below it. The byte used to figure 255 is called the "high" byte, and the byte to figure the part below the "low" byte. The low and high bytes are next to each other, but that's all we can assume. The game may look for the low byte after the high, or the high byte after the low, so we have to look for either possibility. There is also a possibility that the level table is compressed, meaning it's stored in the ROM in a format that is unreadable and inaccessible except by the game itself. We probably don't have to worry about compression when editing the level table though, for two reasons: 1) decompression requires a lot of RAM, something that is likely to be in short supply at the end of a fight; 2) decompression requires a lot of CPU horsepower, where leveling up happens immediately at the end of a fight. Considering that there is very little of either RAM or CPU available for decompression, and the level table is varied enough that it'll probably make for a poor compression target anyway (expression works by coding invariance), it is highly unlikely that the table is compressed. Having assured ourselves in our abilty to edit experience levels, we are now prepared to begin searching for them. But to search for them, we must first know what they are. It would be helpful to have a ready made table of experience thresholds to refer to, and some do exist, but they aren't always reliable. It is better that we calculate a few thresholds by hand, by combining our current experience at a given level with what the game tells us we need to get to the next level. In Dragon Warrior, we get this information by consulting our status to see what experience we have, and the King to learn what more we need. Doing the math, we need 7 exp for level 2, 23 for level 3, and 47 exp for level 4. That should be about enough to locate the table... across 80 thousand bytes, the incidence of these numbers occuring in succession is very small. We might also note that we start the game at level 1 with no experience, so we might expect two null bytes right at the start of the table indicating the threshold for level 1. Additionally, we expect the table to have 30 entries, one for each level, meaning at two bytes per entry the table itself is 60 bytes long. We can further factor in some standard coding practices on the part of the designers: it is common practice for coders to "mark off" the beginning and ending of tables with 255. We can also expect to find a number of null bytes surrounding either side of the table, reflecting the practice that tables be in their own isolated segments to prevent accidental corruption during the development process (such as by the insertion of graphics or items). Before searching for the table, we need to convert the three thresholds into hexadecimal. There are a couple ways to do this: 1) we can use a calculator (such as the one bundled with Windows) or we can input the number in a search engine (such as Google) followed by "to hex". The search engine is likely to figure the calculation for us. If using the Windows calculator, set it to scientific mode to acess the base conversion function. Input the first threshold and then switch to Hexidemical, then write down its hexidemical value. Repeat for each threshold. Now open your hex editor's search function. We don't know the order of the bytes, so we'll look for the low byte first followed by the high (so-called "big Endian" sequencing, which is something of a standard for many programs). None of these thresholds are greater than 255, so the first byte will have the value and the second byte will be 0. Working it all out, we're searching for this: 07 00 17 00 2F 00 and if that doesn't work, we'll look for little Endian, which works out to this: 00 07 00 17 00 2F It could also be stored in reverse, which would work out to: 2F 00 17 00 07 00 or: 00 2F 00 17 00 07 The same principle applies to games with multiple characters: work out their thresholds and search for them in big Indian, little Indian, and in reverse if necessary. Expect all of the experience tables to follow each other. Be careful because if there is only one table for all characters (enemies included)... you could end up making enemies very strong. ----------------------- Editing the Table +---------------------- (note: if you're using an editor built into an emulator, make sure you search in ROM, not RAM!) Doing our search, we find a match at 00F360. Doing a search for little Endian arrangement, we also find a match (at the same place) but notice that the two bytes in front are blank. Right after them is first experience threshold, 07, followed by 00. Then 17 (23 decimal) followed by another null byte. This is a sign the arrangement is big Endian, with the low byte in front and the high byte afterward. Sixty bytes down, we see FF FF, the experience ceiling. This must be the table. Prove it with a test hack. Starting from 07, set all the succeeding bytes upto and including FF FF, 58 in all, to 0. DO NOT go over or you will likely destroy the game. Save your edits to a new file (make sure the filename ends with ".nes"). Now load this file into your emulator and start a new game. Right from the start, you'll be at level 30, with maximum HP, MP, and all spells. Having realized the ability to edit experience thresholds, what should you do with it? In this regard it helps to be experienced with the game itself. Dragon Warrior starts off strong, but around level 13 the distances between levels begin falling out of proportion with per-battle rewards. This leads to a major rut until the player learns Healmore, enabling them to fight powerful monsters without having to retreat back to the inn every five minutes or so. Leveling too fast, on the other hand, risks putting the player out of sync with the normal flow of gameplay oriented around fundraising for weapons and armor. We want to streamline the game, not destroy it. To keep the balance, we might consider capping distances between thresholds at 2000 after Rimuldur, as opposed to the standardized 4000 the designers intended. Actually, this puts us in sync with the revised table introduced in Dragon Warrior 1 & 2 on SNES and GBC, which wasn't actually edited at all, but was compensated for by increased exp yields overall. Remember that you have to first convert the threshold to hexidecimal, and then put the first two digits in the second byte (the high byte) and the last two digits in the first byte (the low byte). Don't get confused now! If you put the high byte before the low byte, you're likely to have very erratic leveling! ------------------------ Expanding the Table +----------------------- At this point you might be thinking about expanding the table to level more gradually, even expanding the game. Before trying this, let's look at the surrounding environment. We see that the table is not marked off by 255s (FF in hexidecimal), nor is it padded by 0s. If it was, we could have inserted more level thresholds in the table. But it's not, implying that the data surrounding the table has significance and would be dangerous to alter without intricate knowledge of its meaning and purpose. Moreover, the presence of non-zeroed data suggests that the level ceiling is enforced by the program, meaning we'd have to reprogram the game to remove the cap. The value of such an enterprise is frankly dubious: it is far easier, and more profitable, to learn to program your own game than to reprogram an existing one. If you still insist on expanding the table, there is a partial disassembly available on GameFAQs (look for a document explaining the game's formulas) which will clue you in as to the gravity of the challenges ahead. If you do knowledge of the internals of the game's host machine, your best bet is to open the game in an emulator featuring a built-in debugger and search for the starting address of the table. (for Dragon Warrior, it's not F360 (that's the beginning of the line), but F36B, byte 12 on that line). You may need to reprogram the experience system at multiple points... for Dragon Warrior, this could prove really hard, because there isn't much free space in the game. You could get more space by using a different mapper, but that would mean a partial rewrite of the entire game. Comment? Write